Sometimes, despite strong efforts, carriers can’t seem to make the safety and compliance gains they expect. To help, STC performs detailed gap analyses of carriers’ safety policies and programs to help carriers understand how they stack up against industry best practices and how they can improve. Contact STC Co-Director P. Sean Garney at for details and the cost.

Recently Revised STC Training Webinar

Independent Contractor Relations: Dos, Don’ts & Best Practices

STC recently updated its comprehensive 1-hour webinar training program focused on how front-line motor carrier employees should interact with independent contractors. This unique training program is designed to provide fleet employees with:

1. Background and context on why IC status is important and how the govt enforces it;

2. An explanation and understanding of 5′ bright line’ standards to follow;

3. Approximately 20 common IC-related challenges fleets face, coupled with recommended solutions/best practices; and,

4. Additional ways for the company and its front-line workers to fortify its IC model.

Visit STC’s IC Contractor Relations Best Practices page to learn more or book this training for your managers and supervisors by contacting STC Co-Director at

If you have ideas you want us to cover in this newsletter or have questions about our services, please contact STC Co-Director P. Sean Garney at or (202) 728-2853.