Did You Know? Harvest season is more than just a season long.

Thirty-seven states define Harvest Season as beginning January 1 and ending December 31, according to an FMCSA resource. Three do not define the season. This is important when considering use of FMCSA’s hours of service exemption for those hauling agricultural...

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Thinking About Intelligence

If you’ve been to a transportation related conference lately, you’ve likely sat through an educational session in which someone describes a new technology that is trained on AI or leverages machine learning. Without additional context however, we’re left to decide if...

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A New Look for New Entrants

As new motor carriers enter the trucking industry in record numbers, more needs to be done to ensure they operate safely on our roadways. Oftentimes, new motor carriers suffer from a lack of knowledge and minimal of experience in motor carrier safety and compliance ....

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New Insights with Old Data on Young Drivers

With the amount of industry and mainstream press on the truck driver shortage in the U.S., and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s recent update to its Safe Driver Apprenticeship Program, many in trucking are keenly interested in understanding the safety...

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