As we go to ‘print’ with this electronic newsletter on Wed., August 14, 2019, we know FMCSA will be proposing changes to its HOS rules this week…perhaps even today. Once we see/read it, we will be sure to provide some snappy commentary and analysis on the proposed changes in next month’s newsletter. However, as the next 4 weeks pass by and you read all about the proposed changes in the trade press, keep in mind that your voice and input can make a difference, no matter the type and size of your company. If you care about the short-haul exemptions, the 30-minute rest break and/or the split sleeper berth rule, think about sending your thoughts and comments to FMCSA. It’s kinda like voting—if you don’t comment, you shouldn’t complain about the final HOS rule outcome. We’re experts at this commenting stuff…let us know if we can help at