Safety Cannot be Us Vs Them

Unfortunately, the relationship between motor carriers and law enforcement is, at times, antagonistic, despite our shared mission of safety on our highways. That’s why the American Trucking Associations established the Law Enforcement Advisory Board (LEAB) to...

Tech Companies are Going It Alone

Since its inception, STC has closely tracked the testing and deployment of automated vehicle technology. Many have seen trucking as the natural early adopter of this technology, given the acute driver shortage and existential need for the efficiency gains automated...

Conference: ATA Mid-year Management

On May 14-18, 2022 in Scottsdale, AZ, STC will be participating in several committee meetings and attending educational sessions.

Podcast: TrueNorth Risk Summit

May 2-4, 2022 in Cedar Rapids, IA, STC’s Sean Garney and Steve Keppler  will be recording the next episode of the TTT Podcast.