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The Sum of the Clearinghouse Parts

When the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) finalized its Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse rules three years ago, it required State Driver’s License Agencies (SDLAs) to check the Clearinghouse before...
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Crash Preventability Hits PAR

In the April 2020 version of this newsletter, STC called on FMCSA to finalize its Crash Preventability Determination Program. In early May, the new program arrived to much fanfare and...
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5 Things to Know About Off-site DOT Audit

Between 2010 and 2018, off-site compliance audits were conducted by FMCSA investigators in only 10 States In FY 2019, off-site audits were performed in 48 States. And now, in FY...
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Did You Know?

STC recently surveyed STC webinar participants

STC recently surveyed STC webinar participants on how they plan to use the Clearinghouse, and their experience thus far. Here’s what we found: Only 35% have conducted a limited query...
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In the News

STC’s Newest Training Webinar: All About DOT Off-site Audits

Join us for a webinar on Thursday, June 04, 2020 at 12:00 PM EDT [button link="" type="big" newwindow="yes"] Register Now![/button] In 2019, the number of DOT off-site audits increased by more than 400%...
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